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PatrickJay*Grd Mama
*ANGEL MARIE*.Lead me,guide me along the way.For if you lead me,I cannot stray.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
You are radiant with the glory & the calm of having looked upon the face of God.Have a blessed Sunday.*ANGEL MARIE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
What a consolation to know that "Our mourning will turn into dancing".Lov e you*ANGEL MARIE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Healing river send down your waters upon this land & wash our tears from off the sand*ANGEL Marie*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
God,give us peace that lasts,not through the fear of might,but through the force of love.*ANGEL MARIE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Angels carry messages from heaven 2 earth.God uses them 2 tell us of his mercy & 2 show us the way he wants us 2 go.*ANGEL*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
When your life on earth was over,angels whisk you to glorious and eternal life.*ANGEL MARIE*
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
In heaven,the angelic choir sings,and a bright hosanna of music flows and swells throughout the Holy City.*ANGEL MARIE*
patrickjay-clark*Grand Mama
In God's Holy City you have the perfect and glorious beginning to an endless day.*ANGEL MARIE*
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