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*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"A special angel full of grace,a smile on your beautiful face,sprinkling your love from place to place."We luv you*ANGEL*
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"I will close ur wounds n give them health.I will cure them.I will reveal 2 u the prayer of peace n truth.*ANGEL*Jerem.33:6*
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
"Cry to me & I will hear u;I will show u great things & sure things which u know not"Jeremias 33:3.(*ANGEL*)
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*Angels are a gift to us.They come from God above*We feel you all around us.Fly free*Angel*.LUV
My heart is filled w gratitude & thanks 4 ur prayers.Ur friendship is so precious.T.Y. 4 ur support.Love Yannick(Patrick Jay)
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*Angel*Welcome 2 heaven our 17th gd child who became an angel 8/29.Her name is*Lola Marie*.Her Mommy Melanie is so sad.LUV
*PatrickJay*Grd Mama
"The Lord is ur sheperd.U shall not want.He makes u lie down in green pastures.He leads u besides the still waters*Angel*
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*Angel*.We believe that we will see you again,We wait with courage.
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
*Angel*.You are blessed with life which never shall end.Eternal life with our God.
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